Singing Guide: Skylar Grey

Singing Guide: Skylar Grey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Skylar Grey, the American singer-songwriter, is recognized for her distinctive voice and songwriting skills. Her unique vocal technique involves singing in a breathy, ethereal style, characterized by an emotive depth and emotional quality. Here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn how to sing like her.

Vocal Analysis

To start developing a voice similar to Skylar Grey's, it is important to understand your own voice. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to assess your range and pitch accuracy. Analyze your voice's timbre, tone, and texture. Use this analysis to identify differences and similarities between Skylar's voice and yours.

Breathing and Vocal Warm-Up

Breathing is a crucial aspect of singing. Singing Carrots provides useful material on basic breathing techniques, breath support, and passive and active breathing. Furthermore, use the vocal warm-up resources such as the Farinelli breathing video and the humming video to get your voice ready for singing.


Articulation ensures that your lyrics are clear, and your voice is understandable. Use Singing Carrots' finger-bite exercise to improve articulation.

Chest Voice

Skylar Grey's chest singing skills are impressive. Watch Singing Carrots' video on chest voice singing techniques to understand this skill and start improving your own chest voice.

Mixed Voice

Mixed voice is a paramount skill in achieving Skylar Grey's vocal style. Check out Singing Carrots' videos on voice breaks and mixed voice to learn how to apply mixed voice techniques to your singing.

Song Choice

The choice of songs is essential when learning how to sing like one of your favorite artists. Listen to Skylar's songs and understand the techniques used. Songs like "Coming Home" and "Love the Way You Lie" are examples of her unique style. Use Singing Carrots' tool to search for songs that match your vocal range and genre preference if you are struggling to find the right song.

Progress Tracking

Singing Carrots' progress statistics are useful because it helps in tracking your vocal improvement. The statistics display a graphical representation of your progress over time in terms of pitch accuracy and range.

Singing Carrots offers the educational course Singing for Beginners which covers the basics of singing theory and practical tips. Use the course to improve your singing skills and fundamental knowledge of singing.

In conclusion, the importance of proper singing techniques cannot be overstated. Begin your journey to singing like Skylar Grey with an analysis of your voice, improving your breathing techniques and chest voice, and enhancing your knowledge of mixed voice. Use Singing Carrots' resources to help you perfect your skills and achieve your singing goals.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.